The Wizards Behind the Words

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Hi, everyone! My name is Kira. At least to you people online. People are usually surprised when they learn I have autism. Many people are under the impression that autistic people are only good at math & don't talk. This is obviously a misconception. I didn't know I was autistic until after I had graduated high school. I was eighteen years old when I took a test with a psychologist to see if I was on the autism spectrum. In the end, it turned out that I have high-functioning autism ((HFA)) or Aspergers Syndrome. I can pretty much pass as "normal" person, with the exceptions that I'm not that great at making eye-contact, I'm generally quiet and a little aloof, social situations are very awkward for me, and I have many sensory issues. Sounds that wouldn't bother most people are incredibly loud and sometimes painful to me. Bright lights hurt my eyes, especially if they're flashing. Tastes and smells are sometimes overwhelming as well. On top of all of that, I don't really like people touching me. I'm a huge fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and his works. I love to write, draw, read, play the piano, paint, and other creative things like that.

Jun 6, 2011

First Post - Excitement!!!!!

Greetings, fellow blog-keepers! This is Kira. At the moment, I don't really have anything to review, but I figured, why should that stop me from blogging? I've got a confession to make. I'm an incurable and insanely obsessed Harry Potter fanatic. And, as the date of the final film in this amazing series approaches, my excitement grows ever more great! Of course, being also an avid book-reader, I know exactly what will happen in the movie, provided they don't screw it up. Still, the anticipation is building to a crescendo, and I can hardly wait any longer! I'm going to the midnight showing with my neighbor, who, despite being a good twenty-three years older than I am, is about as much of a fan as I am. We're both convinced that our Hogwarts letters were lost due to the owls not being able to make it across the Big Pond.

With the date fast approaching ((I believe it is July the 16th; feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)), I'm not only wondering what to wear to the showing ((my Gryffindor shirt or should I make a new shirt?)), but also, what am I going to do... now that it's... Merlin's beard! I can't say it! I refuse to believe it's over! Truly, this series is destined to become a classic! J.K. Rowling is an absolute gem amidst the gravel and dust of today's literary figures! The only modern authors who come close to her talent at writing for a widely varying audience, keeping readers enraptured by the plot as well as intrigued by the engaging characters, her skill at developing said characters, and her vast imagination to create such an advanced world and culture of fantasy... Well, to be quite honest, there are very few. I might mention Brian Jacques, author of the highly acclaimed Redwall series, and others of my friends would probably mention Robert Jordan ((James Oliver Rigney, Jr.)), author of the Wheel of Time series, though I have never had a chance to read these. Those being the most modern authors I can find anywhere to equal Rowling's amazing writing, the only authors I can honestly say rival her are, most unfortunately, of the previous century, mainly, J.R.R. Tolkien ((The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and The Silmarillion, among others)) and C.S. Lewis ((The Chronicles of Narnia series, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, The Space Trilogy, and other famous titles)). Admittedly, I cannot say that any one is better than any of the others, as each of them has a specific writing style and slightly varying genre that is unique to the author.

Unfortunately, I've recently discovered that the majority of my favorite authors are deceased. J.R.R. Tolkien died September 2, 1973, and C.S. Lewis died November 22, 1963 ((interestingly enough, on the same day that John F. Kennedy was assassinated)). More recently, on February 5, 2011, Brian Jacques died from an aortic aneurysm. I know there are many more amazing authors out there, but it grieves me to know that so many great minds, so many awesome and amazing imaginations, have left this world, when their legends have contributed so much to the fabric of our lives. Though the authors are gone, their works remain, preserved for time immemorial in the beautiful and eternal pages of our hearts. The next generation's writers have a lot to live up to in the wake of the previous generations' successful and awe-inspiring stories that make up the fantastical worlds that we have all come to know and love.

Signing off, with creative thoughts and best wishes,

~ Kira Raven Lupin ~

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